Your children are your world and we know you want to take care of them and spoil them even. You buy them the best things you can and that includes from food to shoes to hair products to clothing.
Organizing your children’s outgrown clothing isn’t the most fun part of growing them up at all, but it’s got to be done. We know how hard these things can get for a busy parent, so that’s why we want to give you these suggestions that you can use to help you get through this task.
1. First of all, we suggest that you buy fewer clothes for your children so that you won’t have that much to store away later. They’re going to outgrow them faster than they can wear them all anyway. Trust us on that one. Plus, your younger children are likely to wear their favorite clothes pretty often – more than any of the others.
2. Secondly, we suggest that you limit the storage space with boxes. Your children’s clothing should not be very big. You can fit them all into a box or a couple boxes, so don’t bother designating a lot of space for that purpose. Take the time to sift through them and divide them according to size so that you can separate them easily and also identify them easily when you open those boxes back up one day.
3. Third of all, we suggest that you be particular about the clothes you get. In terms of buying clothes, decide on the rules of the types of clothing that you’re going to buy for your children. For instance, buy clothes that look like things your children won’t put up a fight to wear. You want to get the most out of the money you spent on them, so try to make it appealing to them. You also don’t have to keep every piece of clothing that someone gives you for your child, especially if you know your child will barely wear it – that’s just taking up extra, unnecessary space.
Take it from us, these tips will really help. We’ve got what you are looking for concerning self-storage in Ottawa. We’re the number one source for storage in Ottawa and Gatineau. Give us a call so we can discuss your storage locker options at Just Right Self Storage. We’re conveniently located in the heart of Ottawa’s downtown core and only minutes away from Gatineau.