Tips For Safely Storing And Using Hazardous Materials At Home

Hazardous materials in the household need to be carefully attended to by learning about the proper handling and storage actions you should use to keep those items safely intact. Here, we’re going to show you just how to store and handle this kind of material…


  • Always follow the directions that are on the container that the hazardous material came in.
  • Make sure to store all of the products away from the reach of children and pets.
  • Lock away poisons and medicines away from the sight and reach of small children.
  • Always remember to return hazardous household products to their assigned storage areas.
  • Try to keep the hazardous products in their original storage containers, or if you remove it from the original container, label the new container with the name of the product and date that you stored it in the original container.
  • Don’t ever mix hazardous household materials, because you may create toxic fumes or chemical reactions which may even damage the storage the storage containers as well.
  • Make sure to keep your hazardous products in tightly sealed containers, out of the sun, heat, sparks and flames.
  • Don’t handle or store hazardous materials around food, or while eating or smoking.
  • Ensure that storage containers remain dry so that they don’t rust.
  • Never store your products in areas where they may get frozen during the colder months of the year.
  • Do not store fuels in your home or in your self-storage unit.
  • Ensure that if the product container is deteriorating, you place it in a plastic bucket and surround it with a nonflammable absorbent and label it.


If you are looking for self-storage in Ottawa for your personal storage unit or business storage needs in the heart of Ottawa, then give us a call to discuss your storage locker options at Just Right Self Storage in Ottawa. We are conveniently located in the heart of Ottawa’s downtown core and only minutes away from Gatineau we are the number one source for storage in Ottawa and Gatineau.